Tuesday, March 09, 2010



You have Lick.

Actually, when my friend Ana of www.sexandsensibilities.com called me and offered to support Manila Transitio 1945, I immediately said, "Hellz Yeah" but then suddenly took pause. Wait a minute, handing out FRENZY condoms and commemorating the loss of Intramuros? Hmmm. It seemed like an odd pairing.

And then we came up with the idea of having the FRENZY Lick ladies forego their usual sexy smocks and don traditional 19th century Baro't Sayas. And if we must say so ourselves, it was a stroke of genius. empowered Maria Claras giving out condoms as we commemorate the city of our affections. It's the best of the genteel Manila that was and a glimpse into the progressive Manila that will be.

Meanwhile, log onto Ana's www.sexandsensibilities.com website. It's a very enlightening read. Read up on straight, gay, and even bisexual issues. Don't stay stupid about sex. Click on the site here.